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Introduction to PL / SQL
- Runtime Environment
- Construction and types of PL / SQL blocks
- Declaring and using variables
- Control statements, decisions, loops
SQL statements in PL / SQL
- DML commands
- DDL and dynamic SQL
- TCL commands and transactional
Procedures and Functions
- Create and delete
- Parameterization
- Passing parameters by value and reference, nocopy
Handling errors and exceptions
Create and use cursors
- Records
- static cursors
- Parameterizing cursors
Associative arrays
- The structure of the package: the specification and body
- Section Initialization and global variables, memory management, an instance of the package
- Encapsulation, overloading programs, pre-declaration procedures
- DML triggers
- The triggers Drives (INSTEAD OF)
- The triggers system
- New features in Oracle 11g triggers
Examples of application packages built
- Writing to a file through UTL_FILE
- Sending e-mails
Management code and compiler
- Encryption code (dynamic obfuscation, wrap)
- conditional Compilation
- The relationships between objects
- Warnings
- Basic skills in any programming language, object-oriented structural or
- The free use of the basics of SQL and knowledge of Oracle database environment (preferably Oracle 11g completion of training - Native SQL for Programmers - Workshops)
28 時間
お客様の声 (1)
Very high competence of the trainer!!.