Thank you for sending your enquiry! One of our team members will contact you shortly.
Thank you for sending your booking! One of our team members will contact you shortly.
- Registering and Creating Orgnization
- Configure Billing
- Understind Billing
- Standalone
- Storage
- Clourse
- Prepare Templates
- Standalone Templates
- Resizing Disk
- Standalone Destkops
- Fresh-start
- Fresh-start locking
- Trainer Desktops
- Creating Course
- Joining Course Options
- Selecting Trainers
- Cloning Destkops
- Conducting Course
- Iviting User
- Training Room
- Public Chat
- Private Chat
- Sharing Desktops
- Restoring Desktops
- Connecting to Destkops
- Recording
- Playing Recording
- Preparing Labs and Training Materials
- Multi Region
- Cloning Between Regions
- Tasks
- Troubleshooting
- Debug Console
- Restoring Destkops
- Snapshots
- (Optional) Recording Voice and generating Transcript of the Training
- none
7 時間