

Installing and Configuring Core Argo Project Tools and Engine

  • Setting up prerequisite Kubernetes tools and system files

Overview of Argo Project Features and Architecture

  • Introduction to Argo Workflows, CD, Rollouts, and Events
  • How are Argo core components aligned with the Git framework?

Overview of Argo CD for Continuous Delivery in Kubernetes

  • Accessing and Logging in to Argo CD Using the CLI
  • Registering Kubernetes clusters

Working with Fundamental Argo CD Tools for Defining Kubernetes Manifests

Creating a Containerized Application via CLI, UI, or Git Repo with Argo CD

  • Syncing and automating application deployment in Argo CD

Overview of Argo Rollouts Feature and Deployment Capabilities

  • How is Rollout different from a Kubernetes Deployment object?

Executing Blue-Green and Canary Deployments using Argo Rollouts

Integrating Argo Rollouts with Networking Components and Metrics

  • Service meshes and ingress controllers for Argo Rollout
  • Employing blue-green and canary deployment metrics

Overview of Argo Workflows Engine for Parallel Jobs Management

  • How do Argo Workflows work on a Kubernetes cluster?
  • Running CI/CD Pipelines on Kubernetes with Workflows

Defining Kubernetes Workflows Steps as Containers

Overview of Argo Events for Operating Kubernetes Dependencies

  • Working with sources supported by Argo Events

Defining and Triggering Kubernetes Objects Based on Multiple Dependencies

  • Managing event sources during runtime


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of Docker, container concepts, and VMs
  • Knowledge of Kubernetes principles and tools
  • Experience with Linux distributions and CLI


  • Developers
  • DevOps Engineers
 7 時間


Price per participant

お客様の声 (3)


SonarQube for DevOps

14 時間

Argo CD

7 時間

Advanced Spinnaker

14 時間

Kubernetes with Spinnaker

14 時間

Advance Test Automation in Java using Selenium with continuous integration and version control

35 時間

Continuous Integration for JavaScript

14 時間

DevOps Practical Implementation and Tools

21 時間

Docker and Jenkins for DevOps

14 時間

Jenkins: Continuous Integration for Agile Development

14 時間

Jenkins 2: Building CI/CD Pipelines

14 時間

Jenkins Advanced

14 時間

Jenkins for .Net Continuous Integration (CI)

14 時間

Jenkins Fundamentals

14 時間

Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Maven

21 時間

Building CI/CD Pipelines with Jenkins X

21 時間
