

  • Django CMS vs Drupal vs WordPress

Overview of Django Web Framework

Overview of Django CMS Features and Architecture

Evaluating Hosting Options (on-premise, public cloud, etc.)

Installing and Configuring Django CMS

Navigating the Admin UI

Working with Plugins

Working with the Database

Managing Users and Roles

Securing Django CMS

Deploying Django CMS to Production

Setting up Multiple Websites

Backing up and Restoring Django CMS

Migrating Django CMS

Integrating Django CMS with 3rd Party Applications

Monitoring a Django CMS Site

Maintaining and Repairing Django CMS

Optimizing Django CMS


Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience with the Linux command line
  • Familiarity with Python


  • System administrators
 14 時間


Price per participant


Open edX for Admins

14 時間

Open edX for Developers

21 時間

Open edX for Instructors

21 時間

Shopify for Developers

14 時間


7 時間

Grav: Creating Websites with a Flat-File, No-Database CMS

7 時間

Learning Management Systems (LMS) for Administrators

14 時間

Learning Management Systems (LMS) for Instructors, Trainers, and Course Creators

14 時間

Tracking Learning Experiences with xAPI

14 時間

Getting Started with Magento

14 時間

Magento 2: Theme Development

14 時間

Deploying Magento 2.1 for eCommerce

14 時間

Magento Commerce Cloud for Developers

21 時間

Magento for Developers

14 時間

Magento for Merchants

21 時間
