

Overview of Docker Containers And Kubernetes in AWS

Overview of AWS Container Management Offerings and Architecture

Getting Started with Kubernetes on EKS

Building A Kubernetes Cluster On EKS 

Networking Kubernetes Pods

Migrating from On-premise to AWS.

Integrate Kubernetes with Continuous Integration (CI).

Ensuring High Availability and Disaster Recovery in Kubernetes.

Using Fargate to Manage EKS


Summary and Conclusion


  • An understanding of containers and Kubernetes basics
  • Experience with the Linux command line
  • An Amazon AWS account with at least 10 USD on it.
 14 時間


Price per participant

お客様の声 (2)


Amazon DynamoDB for Developers

14 時間

Advanced Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFormation

7 時間

AWS CloudFormation

7 時間

AWS IoT Core

14 時間

Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Greengrass

21 時間

Industrial Training IoT (Internet of Things) with Raspberry PI and AWS IoT Core 「4 Hours Remote」

4 時間

Industrial Training IoT (Internet of Things) with Raspberry PI and AWS IoT Core 「8 Hours Remote」

8 時間

Advanced AWS Lambda

14 時間

AWS Lambda for Developers

14 時間

Introduction to Minikube and Kubernetes

21 時間

Minikube for Developers

14 時間

Deploying Kubernetes Applications with Helm

7 時間

Running Containers Directly from Kubernetes with CRI-O

14 時間

Amazon Redshift

21 時間

Amazon S3 Fundamentals

14 時間
