

Overview of Microservice Architecture

Overview of Spring Cloud and Spring Boot

Overview of Netflix OSS Components

Setting up Your Development Environment

Creating a Spring Boot application

Service Discovery with Netflix Eureka

Dynamic Routing and Load Balancing with Netflix Ribbon

Securing Your Microservices with Netflix Zuul

Use AMQP messaging with Spring Boot

Ensuring Resiliency with Netflix Hystrix (Implementing the Circuit Breaker Pattern)

Tracing Microservices to Uncover Latencies with Zipkin

Containerizing Your Microservices with Docker

Deploying Microservices to Cloud and on Premises

Scaling Your Microservices


Summary and Conclusion


  • Java development experience
  • An understanding of container concepts (Docker)
 21 時間


Price per participant

お客様の声 (2)


Netflix Clone Development for Front and Back-End

35 時間

System Architecture, Service Architecture, and Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud

21 時間

Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker

21 時間

Spring Cloud for Microservices

14 時間

Microservices with Spring Cloud and Kafka

21 時間

Advanced Platform Engineering: Scaling with Microservices and Kubernetes

35 時間

Building Microservices with Apigee Edge

21 時間

Building Microservices with Microsoft Azure Service Fabric (ASF)

21 時間

Getting Started with Consul

7 時間

Microservice Development with Java EE 8, Docker, and Kubernetes

28 時間

Building Microservices with Go

28 時間

Microservice Patterns: Migrating from a Monolithic to a Microservice Architecture

14 時間

Building Microservice Architectures

14 時間

Building Microservices with Python

7 時間

Building Microservices with NodeJS and React

21 時間
