Course Outline

Advanced tables

  • Tables for queues and stacks
  • Tables describing graphs
  • Matrices as tables
  • Linked lists as tables
  • String buffers

Metatables through examples

  • Proxies
  • Readonly
  • Memoization
  • Dynamic programming with memoization
  • The Fibonacci example


  • Relationship between global variables and environments
  • Free variables
  • The _ENV table and the _G table

More about modules

  • Different approaches to creating modules
  • Modules that change the behavior
  • Module initialization and arguments
  • Using environments to implement safe modules

Advanced iterators and co-routines

  • Producer, consumer, filter
  • Wrapping co-routines to get iterators
  • Stateless iterator for linked lists

Contributing to the Ecosystem

  • Uploading packages to MoonRocks

Functional paradigm in Lua

  • The map function
  • The reduce / fold function

Object-oriented Programming

  • Different approaches to OOP
  • Different approaches to inheritance
  • Examples

A walkthrough of the Lua Standard Libraries


Basic knowledge of the Lua programming language

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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