OCUP2 Content DeveloperNobleProg has official OMG OCUP 2 Content Developer status, which means that our course outlines and training materials were developed by the same experts who prepared questions for OCUP 2 exams.AudienceDevelopers, programmers, business analysts, project managers, software architects, testers, people responsible for documentation or anyone involved in the software development process.ObjectivesPrepares you to work with the most commonly encountered UML elements Teaches you how to create simple UML models Prepares you to be a member of a UML Development Team
Audience:Developers, programmers, business analysts, project managers, software architects, testers, people responsible for documentation or anyone involved in the software development process.Objectives:Prepares you to work with a broad range of UML elements Teaches you how to create complex UML models Prepares you to become a qualified senior member of a UML Development Team.
Audience: Developers, programmers, business analysts, project managers, software architects, testers, people responsible for documentation or anyone involved in the software development process. Objectives: Prepares you to work with a broad range of UML elements Teaches you how to create complex UML models Allows you to become qualified to be a senior member of a UML Development Team.
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お客様の声 (1)
The experience and knowledge of the trainer - he was able to answer any questions.
Shelley Walker
コース - OCUP2 UML 2.5 Certification - Foundation Exam Preparation