Course Outline

The nature and types of conflict. Types of conflicts due to the participants

The theory of conflict situations by Lewin.

The main source of conflict.

  • resources
  • differences in their goals
  • interdependence of work
  • differences in values ​​or views
  • organizational ambiguity

Conflicts of functional and dysfunctional

Distortion of perception occurring in conflict

The dynamics of conflict

  • preceding phase
  • challenge phase
  • escalation phase
  • phase of confrontation

Behavior style by mastering conflicts; appropriate behavior in the dispute. The consequences of a rigid application of various styles

Assertive and development use conflicts in the team's work. Assertive skills useful in resolving conflicts

The strategies used in conflict situations:

  • I win - you lose
  • you win - I shed
  • without losing - the replacement of the conflict to cooperation

Conflict Management. The main methods and techniques of conflict resolution

  • negotiations
  • mediation
  • arbitration

Working with emotions in conflict

Stress, coping in difficult situations

  • the introduction of the anti-stress training
  • relaxation methods - focusing

Creative principles of conflict resolution.

Effective communication as an essential tool for conflict management.

  • barriers to communication and conflict resolution
  • verbal and non-verbal

The use of negotiation techniques to resolve conflicts.

Summary of training

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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