

  • Why is version control important?

Overview of Git System Features for Source Control

  • Installing Git on the preferred operating system
  • Getting started with fundamental Git attributes and components
  • What are Repositories, Commits, and Files?

Understanding Git Workflows and Basic System Processes

  • What are different Git states?
  • Creating a repository and Git folder

Managing Existing Projects and Handling Files Using Git

  • Working with Commits and Messages
  • Committing and undoing changes in a Git repository
  • Logging and accessing version history

Getting Started with Branching and Merging in Git

  • Familiarizing with types of Branching and Merging processes
  • Utilizing special markers in Git
  • Working with Tagging and Stashing features of Git
  • How to use Reset and Reflog in Git?

Overview of GitHub Features and Architecture

Setting Up a GitHub User Account and Managing a GitHub Profile

  • Authenticating to GitHub and updating credentials
  • SSH v.s. HTTPS
  • Verifying authentication using SSH in GitHub

Creating GitHub Repositories and Linking a Local Git Repository

  • Cloning or archiving a GitHub Repository

Instantiating Repository Content within a Local Copy

Publishing Content Changes to the GitHub Repository

Working with Intermediate Repository Features and Settings

Practicing GitHub Writing and Formatting Syntax

  • Utilizing tables and working with code blocks
  • Autolinking URLs and references in GitHub

Operating Actions to GitHub Files and Folders

  • Synchronizing file changes with the local repository

Creating, Editing, and Transferring GitHub Commits

  • Managing Commits and handling a local repository clone

Reviewing Commits and Utilizing Commit IDs with the Local Copy

Understanding Fetch and Pull Commands in GitHub

Understanding Basic Forking and Cloning Concepts in GitHub

Pushing GitHub Changes and Verifying Push Requests

Working with Forks and Proposing Changes to Pull Requests

Reviewing Pull Requests and Incorporating Proposed Changes

Resolving Conflicts in GitHub Merges and Working with CLI

Getting Started with GitHub Tags and Releases

  • Utilizing local Tags and updating GitHub Tags
  • Starting, deleting, and creating a new GitHub Release

Comparing GitHub Pull Requests, Commits, and Tags

Working with GitHub Gists and Understanding Snippet Functionalities

Integrating a Development Project with Codespaces in GitHub

Creating a GitHub Organization and Managing Teams

  • Organizational v.s. personal GitHub account
  • Executing previous GitHub functionalities

Managing GitHub Projects and Handling Project Boards

Filtering Repository Information and Sharing GitHub Filters

Extending GitHub with API and Webhooks

  • Automating GitHub using OAuth tokens

Troubleshooting GitHub Issues

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience with commands and terminal (in Windows, Linux, or Mac)
  • Knowledge of any programming language


  • Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Project Managers
 21 時間


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