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Introduction to VBA
- Storing information
- Data types
- Variables
- Terminology, characteristics, scope, visibility of variables
- Control structures if, select case, do, for
- Loops
- Built-in functions
- Types, finding and removing errors
- Comments
- Definition
- Properties
- Methods
- Collections of objects
- Viewing
- Tables, queries, indexes
- Object-oriented data access
- Custom Class
- Object Error Handling
- Constructing queries with VBA
- Use of SQL syntax
- Transactions
- DAO and ADO
- Records
- Importing data from other systems
- Plan
- Interface
- Menus
- Reports
- Controls available from code
- Forms
- Integration and support for other applications
- Library functions
Best Practices
- Tips and trics
- Knowledge of any procedural programming language required (e.g. Basic, Pascal, C).
- For people who want to learn the required skills, we recommend the course: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in Excel - introduction to programming.
- Very good knowledge of Microsoft Access. It is recommended to complete the course: Access for advanced.
21 時間
お客様の声 (1)
Training Room and quite location and all the stuff.