
Introducing The .Net 4.0 Framework

  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
  • Languages In The .Net Framework
  • The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
  • Accessing Data With ADO.Net & XML
  • Accessing The Web With ASP.Net

Visual Studio 2010

  • Useful Visual Studio Windows
  • Creating Projects
  • Project Anatomy
  • The Files In A Project
  • Solution Explorer
  • Code Snippets

C# Language Syntax

  • Data Types
  • Variables Declaration
  • Operators
  • Conditional Statements
  • Looping Structures

Classes & Objects

  • Building Models
  • Creating Classes And Objects
  • Adding Constructors To A Class
  • Adding Methods, Properties And Events
  • Overloading Methods
  • Property Procedures

Debugging Applications

  • Setting Breakpoints
  • Stepping Through Code
  • Debug Windows
  • Watch Windows
  • Call Stack

ASP.Net Introduction

  • Starting An ASP.Net Project
  • Project Files
  • Server Controls
  • Server Event Handling
  • The Page Lifecycle

User Interface Development

  • Master Pages
  • Themes And Skins
  • User Controls
  • Website Navigation
  • Validation Controls

Module 8: Configuration

  • Website Configuration Settings
  • Configuration Files Including The Web.Config Files
  • Storing Application Settings And Configuration Strings
  • The Website Administration Tool

Membership & Personalisation

  • Securing And Personalizing A Website
  • Store User Details In The Membership Database
  • Using Login Controls
  • Website State Management Methods
  • Using Viewstate To Store The State Of A Page

Exception Handling

  • Adding Try Catch Blocks To Code
  • Page Level Exceptions
  • Site Level Exceptions
  • Custom Error Pages
  • Tracing

Data Access

  • What Is ADO.Net
  • Connection Object
  • Command Object
  • Data Readers
  • Datasets And Data adapters
  • Using The Datasource Wizard

Creating Responsive Pages With AJAX

  • AJAX Architecture
  • What Are Partial-Page Updates
  • Using The Updatepanel Server Control
  • Using Client-Side Scripts

Data Access With LINQ

  • Why Do We Need LINQ
  • Querying The Database
  • Language Syntax For Querying
  • Using The LINQ To SQL

Using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services

  • Service Orientated Architecture
  • WCF Scenarios
  • Mechanics Of Communication: Address, Contract, Binding
  • Creating A Simple WCF Service
  • Calling A WCF Service From A Client Application


  • How To Deploy A Web Application
  • Deployments Methods
  • Using Visual Studios Copy And Publish Tools
  • Using Setup Projects
  • Installing Assemblies In The GAC


Before attending this workshop, students must:

  • Be able to manage a solution environment using the Visual Studio 2010 IDE and tools
  • Be able to program an application using a .NET Framework 4.0 compliant language
  • Have a basic understanding of client-side scripts
  • Have a basic understanding of HTML
 35 時間


Price per participant

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