- FastAPI vs Django vs Flask
- Overview of FastAPI features and advantages
Getting Started
- Installing FastAPI
- Defining a schema using OpenAPI
Path and Query Parameters
- Declaring path parameter types
- Parsing and validating data
- Declaring required and optional parameters
- Converting query parameter types
- Multiple path and query parameters
Declaring a Request Body with Pydantic Models
- Creating a data model
- Combining path, query, and body parameters
- Declaring validations and metadata
- Using deeply nested models
- Defining example data
- Response and extra models
Defining Forms and Files
- Using form fields instead of JSON
- Creating file parameters
- Using file and form parameters
Handling Errors
- Using HTTPException
- Adding custom headers
- Installing custom exception handlers
- Overriding default exception handlers
Working with Databases
- ORMs and file structure
- Creating SQLAlchemy parts
- Creating database models
- Creating Pydantic models
- Performing CRUD operations
- Creating tables, dependency, and path operations
- Reviewing and checking files
- Interacting with the database
Security and Authentication
- Using Oauth2 and OpenID connect
- Defining multiple security schemes with OpenAPI
- Using the FastAPI utilities
- Deployment concepts, stages, and tools
- Working with Gunicorn and Uvicorn
- Using container systems (Docker and Kubernetes)
Summary and Next Steps
- An understanding of API concepts
- Python programming experience
- Developers
お客様の声 (4)
Caterina - Stamtech
コース - Developing APIs with Python and FastAPI
Machine Translated
We were able to quickly get hands on into code, which helped reinforce concepts learned in lecture slides
Keith - Procter & Gamble Polska Sp. z o.o.
コース - Developing APIs with Python and FastAPI
The structured way of the e2e traing. Exercises allow touch the code to prepare some basics api also lectures touch details to which we need pay special attenstion during developig the api
Piotr - Procter & Gamble Polska Sp. z o.o.
コース - Developing APIs with Python and FastAPI
Very good preparation and expertise of a trainer, perfect communication in English. The course was practical (exercises + sharing examples of use cases)