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Overview of Agent Based Modeling
- Overview of different agent based modeling frameworks
- NetLogo features
Case Study: Using Agents to Simulate a Pandemic
Getting Started
- Installing NetLogo
- Navigating the UI (Code Tab, Buttons, Sliders, etc.)
- Overview of the NetLogo programming language
- Understanding attributes, breeds, procedures, and reporters.
Creating a Model
- Working with Tabs, Turtles, Patches, and Links
- Working with Code, Control, and Collections
- Controlling agent movement
Running the Model
- Expanding agent activity
- Adjusting the spacing of a model
Test the Model
- Documenting the simulation
- Resolving problems with the simulation
Monitoring the Agents
- Plotting the simulation
Summary and Conclusion
- No programming experience required.
- Researchers
- Investigators
- Analysts
21 時間