

Module 1: User Sign up?

  • User Sign Up
  • Overview Amazon Management Console
  • Management Activity and Billing overview
  • Amazon Pricing

Module 2: AWS Big Picture – 10000 feet overview?

  • An overview of AWS
  • EC2- An overview
  • EBS- An Overview
  • Security Group-An Overview
  • Elastic IP- An overview
  • Cloud Front-An Overview
  • S3- An overview
  • Glacier- An overview
  • IAM – An Overview
  • RDS- AN overview

Module 3: Amazon EC2- Win server 2012 (Hands on lab)

  • Launch Windows server 2012 Instance
  • Decrypt Password and download RDP shortcut client
  • Connect to the EC2 Windows 2012 instance
  • Terminate the Windows server 2012 Instance

Module 4: Amazon EC2- Security Groups (Hands on lab)

  • Creating Security Groups
  • Modify Security Groups
  • Delete Security Groups

Module 5 : Amazon Elastic Block Store (Hands on lab)

  • Create Standard Volume
  • Create and delete snapshots
  • Assign volumes to Windows server 2012 and Ubuntu 14.04 server
  • Disassociate and Delete volumes

Module 6 : Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) (Hands on lab)

  • Lab 6.1
    1. Launch Two Ubuntu EC2 Instances- apache web servers with user data
    2. Edit HTML files to both the servers
    3. Test your web Servers through internet
  • Lab 6.2
    1. Create Elastic Load Balancer
    2. Add both the Ubuntu servers to ELB
    3. Test your Elastic Load Balancer
    4. Delete your Elastic Load Balancer

Module 7 : AWS Route53

  • What is Route53
  • Route-53 demo integration with ELB you created (Performed by Instructor only)

Module 8 : AWS s3 (Hands on lab)

  • AWS s3- Overview and pricing
  • Create Bucket  and Folder
  • Upload, download, share and delete object
  • Delete Bucket

DAY 2 

Module 1 : Amazon EC2- Win-2012 with user data (Hands on lab) 

  •  Launch the win 2012 R2 server
  •  Using PowerShell command based user data web-server
  •  Validate user data is executed successfully
  •  Terminate Ubuntu server

Module 2: Amazon EC2- Ubuntu 14.04 with user data (Hands on lab))

  •  Launch the EC2 Ubuntu cloud server
  •  Using User-data of web-server
  •  Validate user data is executed successfully

Module 3 : Amazon EC2- Ubuntu 14.04 with Meta data (Hands on lab)

  • Metadata an overview
  • Fetch metadata information about your ec2 instance
  • Terminate Ubuntu server

Module 4 : Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) (Hands on lab)

  • AWS s3 overview and pricing
  • Create a S3 Bucket
  •  File Versioning
  •  Static web hosting in s3
  •  Cross Region replication  of your objects
  •  Using route 53 redirect to access static web (live demo y instructor)

Module 5 : Amazon Glacier (Hands on lab)

  • AWS Glacier overview and pricing
  • Create life cycle policies for your 
  • Access data from Glacier
  • Setting auto delete to your data from s3 based on rules

Module 6  : AWS Cloud Formation

  • Infrastructure as Code using Cloud Formation
  • Cloud formation – Create a new stack
  • deploy sample template in JSON format
  • Use existing templates and deploy


Module 7 : AWS- IAM (Identity and Access Management)

  • What is IAM? – A comprehensive introduction
  • AWS federation with Active directory- Theory only
  • Getting started with IAM
  • IAM roles – Delegation and federation (Hands on lab)
    1. Creating a role
    2. Assuming a role
    3. Deleting a role
  • IAM   user- groups (Hands on lab)
    1. Creating a user and group
    2. Adding a user to the group
    3. Password policy setup for users
    4. Attaching policy to users
    5. Enabling dual factor authentication to the users
  •  IAM   Roles (Hands on lab)
    1. Creating a an IAM role with ec2 and s3 full access
    2. Launch an EC2 instance and validate cli based access

Module 8 : AWS CLI 

  • Working with the AWS  cli
  • Launch instance with s3 and ec2 full access
  • Configure awscli client
  • Create a security group using cli
  • Create a key pair using cli
  • Launch a ec2 instance using cli
  • Stop an ec2 instance using cli
  • Terminate an ec2 instance using cli
  • Create a load balancer using cli
  • Delete a load balancer using cli
  • Create an s3 bucket using cli
  • Upload and download an object from your local machine to s3 through cli
  • List buckets through cli
  • Delete buckets through cli

Module 9 : Application Development and Deployment Best Practices

  • Application deployment using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Deploy python beanstalk environment
  • Deploy IIS environment
  • Terminate python and beanstalk environment


Module 10 : AWS- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  • What is VPC? – A comprehensive introduction
  • Understanding VPC configurations
    1. VPC with single public subnet
    2. VPC with public and private subnet
    3. VPC Peering
    4. Access control List
  • Configuring VPC Instances (Hands on lab by students)
    1. Creating a VPC
    2. Subnets
    3. Internet Gateway
    4. Routing
    5. Configuring a NAT instance
    6. Creating security groups
    7. Launching instances

Module 11: AWS Managed Services & Database using Python SDK

  • Describe Amazon DynamoDB
  • Verify key aspects of Amazon RDS
  •  Configure python SDK to access to dynamoDB
  •  Create tables using python SDK
  • Put item in using sdk
  • Querry using python sdk
  • Delete item using sdk

Module 12 : AWS  RDS (theory only)

  • Describe Amazon RDS
  •  Manage ur own database on ec2 vs using RDS

Module 13 : AWS- SNS-SQS and SWF (theory only)

  •  Simple Notification Service (SNS) – Overview  and use case
  •  Simple Queue Service (SQS) – Overview and use case
  •  Simple Workflow (SWF) -  Overview and use case


Basic Linux skills (like working with files and directories)

 28 時間


Price per participant

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