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Module 1: User Sign up?
- User Sign Up
- Overview Amazon Management Console
- Management Activity and Billing overview
- Amazon Pricing
Module 2: AWS Big Picture – 10000 feet overview?
- An overview of AWS
- EC2- An overview
- EBS- An Overview
- Security Group-An Overview
- Elastic IP- An overview
- Cloud Front-An Overview
- S3- An overview
- Glacier- An overview
- IAM – An Overview
- RDS- AN overview
Module 3: Amazon EC2- Win server 2012 (Hands on lab)
- Launch Windows server 2012 Instance
- Decrypt Password and download RDP shortcut client
- Connect to the EC2 Windows 2012 instance
- Terminate the Windows server 2012 Instance
Module 4: Amazon EC2- Security Groups (Hands on lab)
- Creating Security Groups
- Modify Security Groups
- Delete Security Groups
Module 5 : Amazon Elastic Block Store (Hands on lab)
- Create Standard Volume
- Create and delete snapshots
- Assign volumes to Windows server 2012 and Ubuntu 14.04 server
- Disassociate and Delete volumes
Module 6 : Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) (Hands on lab)
- Lab 6.1
- Launch Two Ubuntu EC2 Instances- apache web servers with user data
- Edit HTML files to both the servers
- Test your web Servers through internet
- Lab 6.2
- Create Elastic Load Balancer
- Add both the Ubuntu servers to ELB
- Test your Elastic Load Balancer
- Delete your Elastic Load Balancer
Module 7 : AWS Route53
- What is Route53
- Route-53 demo integration with ELB you created (Performed by Instructor only)
Module 8 : AWS s3 (Hands on lab)
- AWS s3- Overview and pricing
- Create Bucket and Folder
- Upload, download, share and delete object
- Delete Bucket
Module 1 : Amazon EC2- Win-2012 with user data (Hands on lab)
- Launch the win 2012 R2 server
- Using PowerShell command based user data web-server
- Validate user data is executed successfully
- Terminate Ubuntu server
Module 2: Amazon EC2- Ubuntu 14.04 with user data (Hands on lab))
- Launch the EC2 Ubuntu cloud server
- Using User-data of web-server
- Validate user data is executed successfully
Module 3 : Amazon EC2- Ubuntu 14.04 with Meta data (Hands on lab)
- Metadata an overview
- Fetch metadata information about your ec2 instance
- Terminate Ubuntu server
Module 4 : Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) (Hands on lab)
- AWS s3 overview and pricing
- Create a S3 Bucket
- File Versioning
- Static web hosting in s3
- Cross Region replication of your objects
- Using route 53 redirect to access static web (live demo y instructor)
Module 5 : Amazon Glacier (Hands on lab)
- AWS Glacier overview and pricing
- Create life cycle policies for your
- Access data from Glacier
- Setting auto delete to your data from s3 based on rules
Module 6 : AWS Cloud Formation
- Infrastructure as Code using Cloud Formation
- Cloud formation – Create a new stack
- deploy sample template in JSON format
- Use existing templates and deploy
Module 7 : AWS- IAM (Identity and Access Management)
- What is IAM? – A comprehensive introduction
- AWS federation with Active directory- Theory only
- Getting started with IAM
- IAM roles – Delegation and federation (Hands on lab)
- Creating a role
- Assuming a role
- Deleting a role
- IAM user- groups (Hands on lab)
- Creating a user and group
- Adding a user to the group
- Password policy setup for users
- Attaching policy to users
- Enabling dual factor authentication to the users
- IAM Roles (Hands on lab)
- Creating a an IAM role with ec2 and s3 full access
- Launch an EC2 instance and validate cli based access
Module 8 : AWS CLI
- Working with the AWS cli
- Launch instance with s3 and ec2 full access
- Configure awscli client
- Create a security group using cli
- Create a key pair using cli
- Launch a ec2 instance using cli
- Stop an ec2 instance using cli
- Terminate an ec2 instance using cli
- Create a load balancer using cli
- Delete a load balancer using cli
- Create an s3 bucket using cli
- Upload and download an object from your local machine to s3 through cli
- List buckets through cli
- Delete buckets through cli
Module 9 : Application Development and Deployment Best Practices
- Application deployment using AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Deploy python beanstalk environment
- Deploy IIS environment
- Terminate python and beanstalk environment
Module 10 : AWS- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- What is VPC? – A comprehensive introduction
- Understanding VPC configurations
- VPC with single public subnet
- VPC with public and private subnet
- VPC Peering
- Access control List
- Configuring VPC Instances (Hands on lab by students)
- Creating a VPC
- Subnets
- Internet Gateway
- Routing
- Configuring a NAT instance
- Creating security groups
- Launching instances
Module 11: AWS Managed Services & Database using Python SDK
- Describe Amazon DynamoDB
- Verify key aspects of Amazon RDS
- Configure python SDK to access to dynamoDB
- Create tables using python SDK
- Put item in using sdk
- Querry using python sdk
- Delete item using sdk
Module 12 : AWS RDS (theory only)
- Describe Amazon RDS
- Manage ur own database on ec2 vs using RDS
Module 13 : AWS- SNS-SQS and SWF (theory only)
- Simple Notification Service (SNS) – Overview and use case
- Simple Queue Service (SQS) – Overview and use case
- Simple Workflow (SWF) - Overview and use case
Basic Linux skills (like working with files and directories)
28 時間
お客様の声 (3)
Sounds knowledgeable, and interacts with his leaners
Shuko Ndhlovu - BMW
コース - AWS Developer Associate
Everything. I had played around with AWS before but just on my own personal time. The training really brought everything together, with real world examples and how many individual pieces can be bolted together for a applicable solution.
Matt Sartain - MDA Systems Ltd.
コース - AWS Developer Associate
I liked getting to understand the breadth of the services offered by AWS and gaining a better understanding of their pricing model for each of those services.