[Day 01]
Overview of container orchestration with Kubernetes
Overview of Kubernetes architecture
- Pods, labels/selectors, replication controllers, services, API
Installing a Kubernetes cluster
Pulling a Docker image from the internet
Creating Kubernetes pods, volumes and deployments
Grouping and organizing your cluster
Using Kubernetes Namespaces to manage different environments
- Managing test, staging, and production environments within the same cluster
- Kubernetes Namespaces best practices
Discovering and connecting to containers
Discovering and publishing services
- Non-HTTP services (Passive FTP, SMTP, LDAP, etc.)
Kubernetes security
- Authentication & authorization
Upgrading a Kubernetes cluster
- Minimizing the impact
Advanced networking
- Docker networking vs Kubernetes networking
Interfacing between network providers and Kubernetes networking
- Best practices for separating services in a cluster
- Comparison of different CNI providers (performance, features, etc.)
Monitoring Kubernetes
- Cluster logging with Elasticsearch and fluentd
- Container level monitoring (cAdvisor UI, Influxdb, Prometheus)
Best Practices for running containerized servers and data stores
[Day 02]
Scaling your Kubernetes cluster
Infrastructure for Kubernetes
- Provisioning, partitioning, networking
Building a high-availability cluster
- Load balancing and service discovery
Deploying a scalable application
- Horizontal pod autoscaling
- Database clustering in Kubernetes
Updating your application
- Releases in Kubernetes
- Diagnosing and fixing common Kubernetes issues
Summary and Conclusion
- Experience with Docker containers
- Familiarity with the Linux command line
- An understanding of networking concepts
- Software Developers
- Architects
- Deployment engineers
お客様の声 (7)
we learn new technique on doing the configuration
Christian - Beacon Solutions Inc
コース - Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced
The background information and history.
Evert - BMW SA
コース - Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced
The interactive way the trainer explains theory
Janine - BMW SA
コース - Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced
the hands on after the topic discussion, it will let us learn how to do it on our own, not just the concept
Joy Apuya - Remote Staff
コース - Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced
That I got a couple of "aha" moments from learning something new.
Charles Shavitz - F5 Networks Pte Ltd.
コース - Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced
Well structured content, well prepared and understandable exercises. Really liked it.
Melanie Pillkahn - Mercedez-Benz Portugal S.A
コース - Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced
Insights about the infra of the kubernetes