幸いなことに、私はトレーナーと1対1でした。これはとても良かったです。 Victor は私のペースで仕事をしてくれました。彼は物事を明確に説明してくれたので、結果にとても満足しました。
Craig - Superior Minerlas
コース - Salesforce for End Users
Machine Translated
Rachel - 个人
コース - Salesforce CPQ for Administrators
Machine Translated
The style and method of Training, it was more interacting than just listening in through the whole training, She gave me chance to practically apply her teachings while she was doing the training. So i really enjoyed that, gave me all the attention and asked where and what needed her to show me and i learned so many new features and have more knowledge now than before, i also gained some confidence in doing my work and using Salesforce.
Libuseng Moqoboko - Gemalto Southern African (Pty)Ltd
コース - Salesforce Lightning
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